Deck BuildingThe Blog

Three Spark of Hope Decks for You to Enjoy (Or Harshly Criticize, Either is Great)!

I love the creativity that surrounds new set releases!

Spark of Hope, the highly anticipated eighth set of Star Wars: Destiny, is just around the corner! A lot of content creators have been testing and publishing decklists for the next meta. I love reading and viewing this new content! I’m going to join the fun and talk about three potential decklists in this article. None of these decks are tested, and as such I’m sure they’re far from perfect, but this mad-scientist stage of brewing up new concepts is very exciting for me. Enjoy the lists, and if you think you can make any of them better than I did, go for it!

DJ Executes Order 66

The first list I’m going to discuss is elite DJ (WF35) with elite Mother Talzin (LG3). Order 66 (SH15) is going to be a part of the meta (like it or not), and this is my take on an Order 66 deck. Execute Order 66 (SH27) and DJ pair together absurdly well. Playing a single Execute Order 66 on two character dice will remove the two dice and deal FOUR damage to your opponent. This scales up by twos per die removed, so three dice would be six damage and removing four Jedi dice with an Execute Order 66 would do eight damage! For two resources. Neat.

Because you play a significant amount of one-cost removal cards in this build, the ideal scenario would be to gain resources on your character dice. Remove your opponent’s dice whenever possible! DJ and Talzin both have fair damage sides, and DJ actually rolls two-Ranged more often than you would think. That is a perfectly respectable side to resolve. I’m not saying that this is the BEST Order 66 deck, but I think it will be a fun one. Take your Rebel Traitors home and try out this take on a new strategy!

I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good

The next deck that I’d like to show is my take on elite Maul (SH3) with an Enfys Nest’s Marauder (CV142). Maul is a character that has to compete with Vader (AG1) in the Big/Little deck-building lane, so I think the way to make him shine is to let him do something Vader isn’t able to do post rotation – ramp. I am playing Double Down (AG143) in this list to allow for a versatile removal package that does not cost resources to resolve. Zero cost removal is best when you are trying to play upgrades, and that’s the goal here. Plenty of resource generation supports a robust upgrade lineup that should allow our boy Maul to get his hits in. Maul’s PA (power action) allows you to build without Fear and Dead Men (AG7), and that helps your resource curve out pretty substantially.

This deck isn’t complicated – get resources, play upgrades, cut faces off. I’m not sure it’ll be a spectacular deck or anything, but it should do what it wants to do fairly effectively!

Man, Counterintelligence Is Such A COOL CARD

The last deck I want to share today is a pairing between elite Thrawn (SH23) and Count Dooku (AN1). This list features two leaders who compliment each other well. Dooku’s PA and Thrawn’s PA combine to give you a two-card hand advantage every turn. On turns you play Counterintelligence (SH25), Probe (CV25), or Dooku’s Lightsaber (AN2) that advantage further multiplies. Three dice starts are not typically my jam, but since Dooku gives you a pseudo discard I let it slide. An alternate version of this deck that plays Mother Talzin and a two-cost plot could exist pretty easily. That iteration of Thrawn may be better, but it wasn’t the direction I wanted to take this deck. 

Happy Birthday, America! Bring on the new cards!

Well, there you have it – three new decks, ready to be played and tested. Spark of Hope currently appears to be a well designed set with a lot of potential for deck builders to express themselves. That’s always a positive sign! These lists will probably change when more cards are revealed (especially the DJ list). I think the general ideas would stay the same, even with more spoilers. I’m extremely excited to sleeve these and other decks up and roll some dice on July 5th!

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