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Reviewing Hero Blue Spoilers From the FFG Live Stream – Yoda Arrives!

I’m Feeling (Hero) Blue!

What a fun live stream! I always enjoy tuning in when Jeremy and the FFG crew publicize Star Wars: Destiny. Watching new cards get spoiled is the most exciting part of the lead up to a new set. There’s a lot to dissect from this stream (Ewoks!), but in this brief spoiler article I’d like to specifically discuss what’s happening for Hero Blue in Spark of Hope. There are some things to be excited for!

Now I’m Feeling Green! Yoda!

The BIG spoiler in this live stream for Hero Blue was probably Yoda. Checking in at 12 health, Yoda is a 14/18 character that continues to advance the theme that Hero Blue characters should utilize shields. He does this by adding a +3 to his shield limit via the text of his effect. He can have six shields at once! More, actually, if you’re willing to play cards like Defensive Teaching (LG106). His die sides are impressive: a one melee, a three melee, a two focus, a one shield, a FOUR shield side, and a resource side. No blanks! His four shield side does cost a resource to resolve. This is a heavy die that will offer players strong battlefield rolls.

The second part of his effect is an interesting thematic take on his Jedi-Leader subtypes. If Yoda is paired with an apprentice character, he may use his shields to block damage for that character. Jeremy played Yoda with Ahsoka Tano (CV54) on the live stream to show off this ability. It’s kind of incredible that Yoda shares a cost with Obi-Wan Kenobi (CV57), because Yoda is (happily) significantly better than the Ardent Avenger! One last cool bonus – Yoda is only a rare! It shouldn’t be too hard for most players to get a playset.

Yoda’s Lightsaber (Blanks Are For Other, Less Important Characters)

Yoda may be rare, but his lightsaber is a legendary. Yoda’s Lightsaber is a unique upgrade that costs only one resource and gives Yoda a shield if played on him. It shares the “no blanks” theme that all of the Yoda cards do. It has a one melee side, a +one melee side, a shield side, a resource side, and two specials. The special on the card deals one unblockable damage to a character, or two unblockable damage instead if you remove a shield from the attached character.

This has play in Yoda decks, of course, but also in Mace Windu (CV56) decks that typically have shields to spare. This card occupies a space that melee weapons typically have been kept away from, which is that of a quick one-drop ramp card. Playing It Binds All Things (CV116) into Yoda’s Lightsaber will be similar to Captain Phasma (CV18) decks playing Conscript Squad (CV134) after dropping Tech Team (CV136). If you are playing Built to Last (WF115), this card can be played for free! The value is there!

Jedi Lightsaber – Qui-Gon Fans Rejoice!

Jedi Lightsaber, a new two cost lightsaber, was also revealed in the live stream. It’s like Jedi Robes (AW40), if Jedi Robes could stab you! This upgrade has a one melee side, a +two melee side, two one shield sides, a resource, and a blank. When the upgrade is played, you may give the attached character a shield, or two shields instead if that character is a Jedi. This is great in many decks. Mace Windu (CV56) is again happy with this upgrade, because it has a similar effect to Republic Jedi Armor (CV71) in that it gives him two shields if he plays it with his ability. Qui-Gon Jinn (AG58) also loves this card, as it immediately pulls his damage increasing ability online when he plays it. Blue Hero has been missing a good two cost weapon since rotation, and Jedi Lightsaber should help a little with that issue!

Caretaker Village! Ahch-To Is Nice This Time of Year!

Caretaker Village is another card that could help buff Blue Hero! Caretaker Village is a two cost support. Its effect reads: after an opponent’s effect removes one of your apprentice or Jedi dice, you may exhaust this support to roll that die into your pool. For me, costing two resources keeps this card from reaching “must play” status. Caretaker Village could help with the potential chaos that will be caused by Order 66 decks. It is also a solid play if you’re running a big/little pairing and need to protect your character dice. If the Spark of Hope meta features a lot of Order 66 (particularly the hypothetical Rebel Traitor (LG22) deck), then Caretaker Village may become a staple for Hero Blue decks.

Force Connection – Signal Isn’t Great, I Only Have One Bar Here

Another support spoiled in the livestream is Force Connection. Force Connection costs one resource to play, and it has an action. The action requires that you exhaust the support and spot two blue characters to activate it. It allows you to turn one of your character dice to a side showing the same symbol as one of the other character’s character dice. This kind of support has always been underwhelming to me, but it may have a place in three wide decks or middle/middle decks that share a lot of common die sides. I’m sure some of you guys will think of better uses for this card than I have!

Jedi Mind Trick – This is the Event You’re Looking For

Mind Trick (AW147) was an excellent card in Standard prior to rotation. It was featured in a lot of decks as a solid removal option. Jedi Mind Trick is a spiritual successor to that card! You need to spot a Jedi to play Jedi Mind Trick, rather than just a Blue character. You can choose either player’s pool for the effect – a difference from the original Mind Trick. Your opponent splits the dice in the chosen pool into two groups of any size. You may then remove all dice in a group OR turn any number of dice in a group to the sides of your choice.

This card is strictly better than Mind Trick was, provided you can maintain the spot requirement. Jedi Mind Trick will compete with Beguile for space in Blue Hero decks, but I believe this card will see a lot of play. Never underestimate the efficacy of flexibility in card games!

Niman Mastery – Special Chaining Isn’t Dead!

Jeremy mentioned early in the live stream that there was going to be a new form in Spark of Hope to continue the trend started in Convergence by Soresu Mastery (CV119). He played the new form in his deck, so we all got to see it played! Niman, or Form VI, is the lightsaber combat form used by Darth Maul (featured on the card art). It is a form that emphasizes balance. Niman Mastery is neutral, like Soresu Mastery. Despite its neutrality, I had to discuss it in this Blue Hero article anyway. The card has a two melee side, a one focus side, a one shield side, a one resource side, and two special sides. There are no blanks on this card either!

After you play Niman Mastery on a character, you can turn a character or upgrade die to any side. The special on Niman Mastery allows you to turn a character die AND an upgrade die to sides of your choice. This card has the potential to excellent in decks that utilize this powerful boost to special chaining! Legacies Yoda (LG33) comes to mind immediately as a character that could do awesome things with Niman Mastery.

Heroic Stand – Great Artwork, But Only An Okay Card?

One last card – a two-cost event titled Heroic Stand. Heroic Stand has excellent art, featuring Luke Skywalker standing alone before the First Order’s forces. You may only play the card if you control exactly one character, and only if your opponent has three or more dice showing damage. Heroic Stand allows you to ready a character. Ready effects have historically been very powerful in Star Wars: Destiny. This card will end up being too situational to see play in competitive Standard, but it will be fun to play in local tournaments. There could be a deck it works really well in, but I don’t see it yet. The new Spark of Hope Yoda comes to mind as a character that may potentially be able to use this effectively.  

Apprentices and Witches! Quick, Someone Call Harry Potter!

I’ll conclude this article by sharing a little more of my excitement for future spoilers. We know now that there will be more spoiler articles in June. We also now that both apprentices and witches will be getting support in Spark of Hope. This could potentially affect many existing cards, but there are a lot of Blue apprentices that could benefit from a little help. Right now, that list includes Ahsoka Tano (CV54), Anakin Skywalker (RV1), Rey (TP24), and the Unlikely Hero version of Luke Skywalker (LG31). I’m still hoping for a Blue Hero Anakin to pair with Ahsoka! It looks like Spark of Hope will launch early Q3, and I can’t wait!

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