The Blog

Welcome to Legacies, Age of the Mono Blue Heroes!

With Legacies primarily dropping in large quantities all over Europe, it’s only appropriate that we begin addressing the meta as something new. With hopeful eyes we look to that which we know for guidance; and come up empty.

Through three tournaments and a lot of playtesting, the one thing that the new Legacies set has revealed to me, is that we will have to rethink the meta. Continue reading “Welcome to Legacies, Age of the Mono Blue Heroes!”

The Blog

A Christmas Dinner with Destiny!

T’was the month before Christmas..
Not a dice left unturned,
As the gamer’s life of Copenhagen,
Through cards and booze they burned!

The TO did’st Proclaim “Of humorous thematic,
A deck you each must build and bring,
If Prizes extra you do seek,
Wouldn’t you wanna add to your bling?”

A guess of wealth to Star Wars fandom,
As Jabbardy commenced,
The ones of Thrawn would stand as tall,
But before Rey’s Action cheating,
They ́d truly come to bend.

T’was the month before Christmas,

And a joyous one indeed,
When these gamers of Destiny,
From across the land would meet.
Continue reading “A Christmas Dinner with Destiny!”