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Beginners Guide to Destiny Part VII: Putting it All Together

Now, after reading all six parts of my Beginners Guide, we have now come to the final article in this series.  This article will put everything talked about in previous articles into practice as I build a Hero deck.  I am building a Hero deck because those who know me know that I almost always play Villains, so this makes me think more, do more planning, and consider a different set of cards than I am normally used to. Continue reading “Beginners Guide to Destiny Part VII: Putting it All Together”

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Beginners Guide to Destiny Part VI: Your Draw Deck

Up until now in my Beginners Guide series, I have covered a lot of stuff that doesn’t concern your draw deck.  This article will cover that big gap.  Your draw deck will contain 30 cards, with a maximum of 2 copies of any specific card.  It will contain a mixture of Upgrades, Supports, and Events, though are not required to have cards from each category.  Finally, those cards will work together with your Characters, Battleground, and overall Strategy to help you win the match. Continue reading “Beginners Guide to Destiny Part VI: Your Draw Deck”

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Beginners Guide to Destiny Part IV: Resource Curve

So, you have decided on your strategy, characters, and battleground.  The next thing to talk about  is your draw deck itself, what Upgrades, Supports, and Events you want to include.  However, before we do so we need to cover an important topic, Resource Curve.  Resource Curve is also be called Mana Curve in Magic: The Gathering.  What it means, simply, is having a balance of different costs of cards so you have the ability to be able to draw a playable costed card (or cards) each turn.  This is a game theory and concept that is very important in this game. Continue reading “Beginners Guide to Destiny Part IV: Resource Curve”

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Beginners Guide to Destiny Part III: Battlegrounds

Battlegrounds are quite possibly one of the most ignored part of deck construction. However, it can be one of the most important decisions as the battleground can both help you and hurt you at the same time.  And not just by dealing damage.  You need to give careful consideration to not only what battleground you take, or even if you want (or need) to take your battlefield if you win the initial dice roll. Continue reading “Beginners Guide to Destiny Part III: Battlegrounds”

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Beginners Guide to Destiny Part II: Choosing your Characters

In my first article in this series, I talked about the two different ways to win, by milling their deck or defeating their Characters. In this article in the series I am going to talk about some basic tips and strategies when choosing your Characters, and some possible synergies that you can utilize.  I will also expand on article I and include reasons to take specific Characters for a specific strategy. Continue reading “Beginners Guide to Destiny Part II: Choosing your Characters”

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Beginners Guide to Destiny Part I: Choosing your Strategy

Star Wars: Destiny is a collectable card and dice game where two or more players battle each other with 30 card decks and 30 points worth of Characters.  The only true limit on deck construction is the 30 card limit and that players cannot have more than 2 copies of any one card.  As far as your Characters are concerned, you are limited by the fact that you cannot have more than 1 of the same unique Character (but can include 2 dice for that character), and a maximum of 30 points of Characters.

That is a lot of information to absorb, even for a game that was just recently released and has only 174 cards in the first set, Awakenings. But, it is very relevant and players need to understand what they are facing every time they play this game.  Why?  Because each player needs to know what the deck and character limitations are when they build their deck, as well as when deciding what strategies they want when designing their deck.

There are two ways to win a game of Star Wars: Destiny. Taken from page 14 in the Reference Guide: The first is to defeat all of your opponent’s Characters.  The game ends immediately when that happens.  The second is if your opponent has no cards in their hand and deck at the end of a round (after the upkeep phase).  So, you could have no cards in your hand and deck and still be able to win if you deal enough damage to defeat your opponents Characters that round.

So, with that in mind, what Strategy should you use? Truthfully?  The first thing you need to look at is your collection of cards, specifically your Characters and dice cards.  You need to be able to field the cards that can allow you to accomplish your Strategy.  There is no need of making a list with Han Solo (AW46) if you don’t own him, for example, or want to try a villain mill deck and not have any cards that support that strategy.  I will go into much greater detail about choosing your Characters in part II of this series.

Some card combinations go hand in hand with your Strategy. For example, if you wish to work on a discard strategy, commonly called a mill deck, there is a good Character/Battleground combination that can be very deadly.  Playing with Padme Amidala (AW48) who has a special dice ability that reads “Discard the top card of an opponent’s deck or spend 1 resource to discard the top 2 cards of an opponent’s deck.”  This pairs well with the Command Center (AW165) battleground that has the claim of “Each opponent discards the top 2 cards of their deck.”

And, of course, the more damage sides on a die a character or upgrade has, the better they are in a damage dealing deck. For example, I would rather take Leia Organa (AW28) than Qui-Gon Jinn (AW37) in a straight up comparison of damage ability.  And, while a Hired Gun (AW47) is nice and cheap at 8 points, having to spend 1 resource each time you wish to deal damage with that character die really puts a damper on your resources each turn.

In the end, there is no correct or incorrect Strategy. It is in the creation of a deck to execute that Strategy that player’s fall victim.  Trying to run a damage deck with Jabba the Hutt (AW20) who has no native damage faces on his die forces you to play upgrades on him that allows the Character to deal damage, if that is your strategy.

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Deck Power Rankings Part 2 – Heroes

Earlier I posted a Part 1 – Villains article talking about the meta, how it shifts, and what are current meta-defining decks and how they work. This blog post will cover the Heroes side of the game. Again, this will cover the decks I have played, or played against, and there are always a lot of experimental lists out there.

Continue reading “Deck Power Rankings Part 2 – Heroes”

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Lessons Learned – Mull(igan)ing it Over

Contrary to the popular internet rumor that keeps following me around saying I’m an amazing, high-tier tournament-level tactician (and crazy good-looking to boot), I don’t have a ton of hyper-competitive experience–on purpose, in most cases. That doesn’t mean I don’t like to compete, just that I don’t take it too seriously. It also means that Star Wars: Destiny is one of the very few games I’ve given a lot of effort into being better at, and as such I’m learning many things that might be second nature to many others. While I typically try to write about things besides the actual gameplay (I leave that to the more knowledgeable bloggers here), I figured there are probably quite a few people that are in a similar situation and could benefit from some of my early lessons. With that in mind, allow me to pass on what I’ve learned about one of the most important decisions you can make: the mulligan. Continue reading “Lessons Learned – Mull(igan)ing it Over”