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A Review of the Destiny Tokens Set by Broken Egg Games

Last November, I picked up a set of Destiny Tokens from Broken Egg Games. I was eager to review these after receiving them because I had anticipated them a lot, but I decided to be patient and spend some actual game time with them before rushing out an official review. Broken Egg’s Destiny Token Set includes 35 double sided tokens. Each token is printed with a “Light Side” and “Dark Side” graphic. The images are printed on the same side so the Light Side image is visible on one side of the token and the Dark Side is visible through the clear acrylic on the other side. The set includes 10 1-damage tokens, 5 3-damage tokens, 10 Shield tokens, and 10 Resource tokens.

Appearance (3.5/5.0)

One of the things that excited me most about these tokens was their vibrant designs which set them completely apart from other token sets that are compatible with Star Wars: Destiny. The graphic design on these tokens is superb and they certainly do look different from any other tokens on the market. Clearly some thought and effort went into making tokens that are instantly recognizable on the table but have a unique aesthetic. It should be noted, of course, that the design is not going to be preferred by everyone, and I suspect that many players that prefer a more minimalist design will consider them to be “overdesigned.” Despite the fact that I love the design of these tokens, I have to admit that I was somewhat disappointed in the fact that both designs are printed on the same side. In retrospect, I should have suspected that this would be the case, but having never purchased tokens like this before, I was unaware of how they were made. The problem that I have with this is that the Dark Side graphic (which can be seen nicely through the clear acrylic) ultimately looks much better than the Light Side graphic (which is obviously printed onto the surface of that side). It’s easy enough to just use the Dark Side side of the token if that bothers you (although more on that later), but it might be disappointing for customers who expect the two sides of the tokens to look equally nice. Lastly, the clear acrylic (as opposed to a frosted acrylic used in some tokens) is much more apt to pick up visible fingerprints. This is certainly a minor quibble on my part, but it is something that might bother others. The difference in appearance between the Light and Dark Side images, as well as the susceptibility to fingerprints, end up earning this token set a lower score for appearance than they might otherwise warrant. If neither of these issues bother you, then your own score might easily be much higher; they otherwise truly are a nice looking set.

Utility (4.0/5.0)

As third party tokens tend to be riffs on the original token art rather than replicas, it is important that they be easily distinguishable. In that respect, the Broken Egg Games tokens really shine. While other third party token sets have taken significant liberties with some of the tokens, the tokens in this set are easily identifiable while still being a unique adaptation of the original design. One thing to consider, however, is that the Dark Side of the tokens are, well, dark. While I prefer the Dark Side graphic (and the fact that it is printed “behind” the acrylic), the Light Side graphic is much more vibrant and tends to be much easier for my opponents to see. I have found that when the Dark Side tokens are placed on a relatively dark playmat, it can be difficult for your opponent to determine how many shields, damage, and resources you have in play. For friendly games this might not be a problem, but in tournament settings, it’s likely to ruffle a few feathers. I can deal with this easily enough by using the Light Side, but obviously that reduces the appeal of them being double sided. Still, I see this as an issue that is likely to be highly variable among players, and it hasn’t stopped me from using these tokens exclusively since I purchased them.

Durability (4.5/5.0)

One of the appeals of acrylic tokens is their durability. While even the heftiest of cardboard tokens quickly start to show wear, acrylic tokens can be used for years without any noticeable impact. To that end, the fact that the Broken Egg Games tokens are printed on one side of the tokens (rather than being etched into the token as is often the case with acrylic) is somewhat concerning to me since it seems possible that the paint could be scratched off over time. Despite the fact that they are covered with a thick clear coat to help protect them, I am not convinced that the paint won’t eventually show some wear over the years. That said, I have absolutely no evidence that will be the case. Indeed, my tokens have stood up very well to repeated use even though I often play on an unforgiving rough wooden table. With respect to durability, I expect that these tokens will remain in good condition for many years despite my nagging fear to the contrary.

Other Considerations

As with any review, there are a few other, more qualitative considerations that influence my overall score but are not easily classifiable into the categories above. One of those for this token set is the smell. An unfortunate byproduct of their manufacturing process is an incredibly powerful bad smell. It was so strong when I first received them that my wife could smell them across the room after I opened the bag. While this smell has finally started to fade, it is still noticeable months after their purchase. I am not certain if this is an issue that could be addressed after manufacturing (by allowing them to air out before packaging) or if Broken Egg Games already tries to mitigate the smell, and it is simply something that you have to tolerate for a while. Either way, if you are sensitive to strong smells, please be aware that these tokens may be problematic.

Regarding Customer Service, Broken Egg Games is fantastic! The company is active on social media, quickly addresses concerns, and earnestly, I believe, wants to improve their product and service. Their shipping was quick, and I would absolutely recommend purchasing from them. As a bonus, I was able to pick these tokens up at a discounted price on a Black Friday sale making them an even better deal.

Lastly, the token set includes a good number of tokens. Indeed, after playing many different games and running many different types of lists, I have yet to run out of tokens. Granted, if you’re running a four Stormtrooper list that is taking lots of grenades or thermal detonators then you might start to run out of damage tokens, but I tend to find that by the time I need more damage tokens, I have a defeated character to pull them off of. I cannot imagine myself ever needing more than 10 shield or resource tokens, so the numbers of those are more than adequate. While this token set would not likely support two players, it is certainly sufficient for a single player, and that is its intent.

Overall Rating: 3.75/5.0

Final Thoughts

Overall, I am happy with my purchase of the Broken Egg Games Destiny Token set. The unique, clear, crisp images are a welcome departure from more minimalist sets, and I suspect that will still be using them for quite some time. These tokens would solidly have earned a 4.0 out of 5 if it weren’t for the strong residual smell that I believe is likely to bother many players. However, despite a few disappointing issues, I would recommend this set to others if the aforementioned issues aren’t too concerning. I am certainly enjoying my set so head on over to Broken Egg Games and check them out if you’re interested!

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